WellToDesk is primarily a cloud based OFDB (Original Format Database) for storage of well data. It consists of a well centric searchable database with high levels of security to protect the confidentiality of the well data. Not only does the system function as an OFDB, but there is significant emphasis on the managed sharing of data to be able to use it as a data delivery mechanism from the wellsite.
Any well in the system can have a distribution list attached for users who should have access to the data. All users on this list will be notified when data is uploaded so they can download it. Uploads are restricted to certain users and currently only field crews or corporate database administrators can upload data to the field tape repository.
All users of the system must be pre-registered and operators must approve all members of a distribution list. Comprehensive history tracking will enable us to track who created and/or modified the distribution lists. These lists are visible to the operators at all times. Registration requires approval by system administrators to help prevent data getting into the wrong hands.
If various service companies are working on a particular well, each service company will only have access to their data and will not be able to see anything from another service company, unless approved by the operator first.
Despite the inherent complexity of the system, we have designed it to be easy to use and welcome any usability suggestions. We monitor the system 24/7 and someone will always be available for technical help.